"Time Capsules Ceremony" des élèves de 3ème de Saint-Exupéry

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05Le mercredi 16 novembre 2022, profitant d’une visite de leur futur lycée, les élèves de 3ème du site de Saint-Exupéry ont enterré les “time capsules” qu’ils avaient créées en cours d’anglais. La cérémonie, bien que pluvieuse, fut très émouvante : discours des élèves, joyeux enterrement, et enfin drapeau personnel attaché à l’arbre qui veille sur nos tombes.

Rendez-vous en 2026, lors de la remise des diplômes, pour l’ouverture de la capsule !

Retrouvez ci-dessous le discours d'introduction de Rafael en 3ème à Saint-Exupéry :

“On the morning of the 16th November 2022 we will finally be burying our time capsules.
So I would like to start this speech by saying that I am pleased to honor this ceremony, this moment where together we consider the end of an arduous task. But what are we really burying? Some people would say: letters, cards, objects and so on…They are not wrong. I just think that there is more to it.That’s why I’d like to call it, a LEGACY. Ladies and gentlemen, in this burial we are going to put into the ground: memories, visions, opinions… However, the most important thing that we are going to leave in there, is a piece of ourselves. When we open this, we will be adults. We will unearth not only the time capsule but the child we left inside.The opening will be a trip back to this very moment and today, together, we set it.”


FaLang translation system by Faboba